Macmillan prize 2016

Macmillan prize 2016

Some pictures of the award cerimony for the Macmillan prize at Foyles, in London. I was super happy, my picture book “The story of Ami” has been Highly Commended. Thanks Macmillan Children’s Book!

Baking with Dad – Book Launch

Some pictures of Baking with Dad book launch in Cambridge at Heffers Bookshop and in London at Daunt Books. Thanks a lot everyone for coming! And thanks a lot to Child’s Play for organising this lovely evenings!
Amo chi legge

Amo chi legge

My last book, Abbracciami, was among the 100 selected as unmissable from AIE (Associazione Italiana Editori), for the initiative Amo chi legge. – “Amo chi legge… e gli regalo un libro” è un progetto nato per riportare i libri nelle mani di tutti. E lo...